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Announcing PSPortainer Powershell Module

· One min read
Hannes Palmquist
Senior Consultant Cloud

Some time ago I wanted to automate a process where I needed check status of a few docker containers managed with Portainer and noticed that there was no powershell module available on the gallery for portainer. A couple of minutes later I had discovered the Portainer Rest API and though that it could be a fun project to provide powershell users with the ability to manage their Portainer and Docker instances with powershell.

So here it is, an early pre-release/work in progress powershell module for Portainer, PSPortainer

If you want to contribute to the project it is publically available on GitHub here

To get started, visit the docs for the module at or start exploring directly by installing the module from PSGallery

Install-Module PSPortainer -Scope CurrentUser