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Changelog for PSImmich

The format is based on and uses the types of changes according to Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[1.106.0] - 2024-06-12


  • Versioning of the PSImmich module will follow the Immich version. For instance v1.105.X will correspond to the API version of Immich 1.105.X. The third number (patch) will be used to track releases/fixes for the PSImmich module specifically. This makes it much easier to find the correct PSImmich version that has feature parity with the version of Immich that is used. If Immich releases a new version that does not require an update to the PSImmich module, that version number will simply be skipped. So the version of PSImmich might not be sequentially incremented.


  • Added new cmdlet Send-IMTestMessage
  • Added new cmdlet Get-IMMemory
  • Added new cmdlet New-IMMemory
  • Added new cmdlet Remove-IMMemory
  • Added new cmdlet Set-IMMemory
  • New cmdlet Get-IMServerStorage
  • New cmdlet Get-IMProfilePicture
  • New cmdlet Get-IMAssetThumbnail
  • New cmdlet Set-IMAlbumUser to allow changing the user role for an album.
  • Set-IMAsset now has a parameter for AddToFace to incorporate the /face/{id} API
  • New cmdlet Marge-IMPerson to incorporate the /person/{id}/merge API
  • Get-IMPerson now has a new switch IncludeStatistics to incorporate the /person/{id}/statistics API. The switch is not currently available with the list parameter set. However one could use the following to produce the same result Get-IMPerson | Get-IMPerson -IncludeStatistics
  • New cmdlet Export-IMPersonThumbnail


  • Updated Get-IMAssetMapMarker to the new API location under map and renamed to Get-IMMapMarker
  • Updated Get-IMAssetMapStyle to the new API location under map and renamed to GetIMAssetMarker
  • Updated Get-IMAuthDevice to the new API location under session and renamed to Get-IMAuthSession.
  • Updated Remove-IMAuthDevice to the new API location under session and renamed to Remove-IMAuthSession
  • Updated Get-IMAuditFile to the new API location under report
  • Updated Get-IMFileChecksum to the new API location under report
  • Updated Add-IMAlbumUser to use the new albumUsers property instead of the deprecated sharedUserIds.
  • Updated Add-IMAlbumUser to allow configuring the user role.
  • Updated Get-IMTimeBucket to the new API location under timeline
  • Updated test suite for Get-IMServerFeature now returning the email attribute
  • Updated Get-IMServer to also include the result from Get-IMServerStorage


  • Get-IMAsset will no longer enumerate assets as a search (with optional filters), this API endpoint has been removed from Immich. Instead Find-IMAsset should be used.
  • Removed Get-IMSearchTerms due to API deprecation
  • Removed Get-IMCuratedLocation due to API deprecation
  • Removed Get-IMCuratedObject due to API deprecation

[1.1.0] - 2024-03-27


  • Set-IMAlbum; Added parameter order

[1.0.0] - 2024-03-20


  • First release