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Defining a base class

class Vehicle

Defining a child class

class Car : Vehicle
[String]$vin # String property
static [int]$numberOfWheels = 4 # Static integer property
[int]$numberOfDoors # Integer property
[datetime]$year # Datetime property
[MakeOfCar]$make # An OVERRIDE of the parent make property
[ColorOfCar]$color # An enum propery
hidden [bool]$IsItAGoodCar # hidden property only accessible inside the class

# This is OVERLOAD constructors, the first one allows empty construction, the following is constructor OVERLOADS
Car ()

Car ([string]$vin)
$ = $vin

#This is a static method of the car class
static SoundHorn ()
[console]::beep(800, 900)

# This is another metod of the car class
Accelerate ($arg)
100..($arg * 100) |
ForEach-Object {
if (($_ % 100) -eq 0)
[console]::beep($_, 101)

Defining enums

enum MakeOfCar
Chevy = 1
Ford = 2
Olds = 3
Toyota = 4
BMW = 5

Enum ColorOfCar
Red = 1
Blue = 2
Green = 3

Construct object from class

$a = [car]::New()
$a = [car]::New(1234)
$a = New-Object -TypeName car -ArgumentList 1234 -Property @{
type = 'sedan'

Assign values to non static properties

$a = [car]::New()
$a = [car]::New(1234)
$a = New-Object -TypeName car -ArgumentList 1234 -Property @{
type = 'sedan'

Retreive static properties


Call method


Call static methods


Call methods directly after construction

(New-Object -TypeName Car).Accelerate(50)